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Reviews, analysis and debate about all things Phish. The format is simple: roundtable semi-structured discussions about shows, tours, songs and more brought to you by the best Phish minds out there. Clips are played to support each topic, typically in the 1-4 minute range. Each episode is usually posted bi-monthly, and lasts about an 75 minutes, give or take. We enjoy when listeners leave comments on the blog, which all panelists monitor feverishly. In addition to the regular cast, typeII often has guests from other Phishy blogs. There is always something new to look forward to.

If you enjoy this show, we ask that you keep listening and tell a friend. We take no advertising, sponsorships or donations exchange for our hard work.


- Steve

Credits - Updated 7/20/2012

Hosted by Stephen Olker


Scott Bernstein

Chris Glushko

Drew Hitz

Tanya Sperry

Eric Wyman

Past Panelists:

Adam B - Online Phish Tour

Sam Davis - DogGoneBlog

Justin Wendt - oh kee pah


Chris Bertolet

Dave Calarco - Mr. Miner

Charlie Dirksen -

Brian Feller -

Parker Harrington - Hidden Track

Josh Korin - Scents and Subtle Sounds

Jamie Marshall (listener choice episode)

Steve Paolini

Tao Pauly - Coventry Music Blog

Adam Scheinberg -

Stephen Tuzeneu - This Week on Lot

Jeremy Welsh -

This show is brought to you by TWoL.

Summer Tour Update - 6/13/2012

Stay tuned throughout Phish Summer Tour 2012 as we will be bringing you reviews for each "cluster" of shows. Exact dates and cast are kind of up in the air. Our suggestion is that you subscribe in iTunes to make sure that you don't miss anything.

DCU > Roo

Bader Field


Riverbend > First Niagara > Blossom

Klipsh > Alpine

Jones Beach


Long Beach > Bill Graham

Starlight > Oak Mountain > Aarons

Verizon > Chaifetz > Zoo


Here you will find information and links to people, groups, and sites that support this podcast. Without our wonderful community, we wouldn't be putting on the show. Our mission from the start has been to bring fans of jamband music together, analyze what is going on in the scene, and bring it all to you in a 1/2 hour broadcast each week. It has been quite the journey since episode 1, and each week try to improve both the content and quality of our show. It is through our sponsors, supporters and donors that everything is possible. This page is our extra "Thank You" to those who contribute. If we forgot you, let us know so we can add you to this page. Thanks for listening,



Sponsors: : Phish Fall Tour 2010 : Phish Summer Tour 2010, 2nd Leg.

PhanArt : Phish Summer Tour 2010, 1st Leg.

CID Entertainment : May 2010


Supporters and Resources:

Andy Gadiel's Phish Page

Bands That Jam

Cash or Trade

Dog Gone Blog

Glide Magazine

Glow Stick Wars


Live Music Blog

oh kee pah blog

Online Phish Tour

Phan Art

phish and the dead blog



Runaway Jim

Shakedown Blog

Umph Love Podcast



Other Credits:

Laura Nulman: Host of episodes 1 through 16. Currently, a regular correspondent.

Mike, aka Inner Chi, for providing the No Wooks - Voicemail jingle.



Ep. 2 : Neil, The Joker

Ep. 3: TJ

Ep. 4: Pete Mason

Ep. 5: Joanne G.

Ep. 6: Scott Bernstein

Ep. 7: Matt D.

Ep. 10: Kat

Ep. 15: Eric Wyman

Ep. 16: Neil, The Joker

Ep. 21: Andy Gadiel

Ep 22: "Vortman"

Ep. 23: Andy Gadiel

Ep. 32: Danny Hertz

Ep. 32.5: Andy Gadiel and Jim Rizzo

Ep. 33: Pete Mason

SR. Hartord 2010: Noob Laura

SR. MPP - N2: Pete Mason, Tyler Geren, Thomas Kilgore, Jessica Flemming.

Ep. 36: Andrew and Mike from GlowStickWars

SR. Camp Bisco 2010: Noob Laura and Pete Mason

SR. Gathering of the Vibes 2010: Meredith and “Toonces”

Ep. 38: Noob Laura

SR. SKYGATE 2010: Eric vs. Parker

Ep. 40: Andrew and Mike, and Eric Wyman

Ep. 41: Scott Bernstein

SR. TTE: Tyler vs. Jed.

Ep. 43: Jed Luckless

Ep. 45: Amy Fischer

Ep. 46: Dusty and Brando of

Ep. 47: Caroline McCarthy

SR Maine, Fall 2010: Eric Wyman

SR Phish, AC Night 3: Noob Laura and "Toonces"

Ep. 52: "Toonces"

SR Phish YEMSG: "Toonces"

Ep. 57: Sethadam1

Ep. 59: Johnny Goff ; Steve and Jared from GroupMe.

SR. Rock and Roll Resort: Pete Mason

Ep. 68: Amy Fischer

Ep. 70: Kevin Browning and Benjamin Slayter.