Episode 33: Dick's

Listen to Episode 33 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/episode33.mp3]

This week, we finish off the final review of the summer, Dick's Sporting Goods in Colorado. Tanya Sperry, a Type II Cast regular, joins me along with our special guest Tao Pauly from Coventry Music Blog. Both attended the Dick's shows, while I did the official Couch Tour for all 3 nights. After digesting this three night run for two weeks, we came up with "Uber Clips". Like . . . seriously, there are a lot of clips. And this episode clocks in at an hour and twenty minutes, possibly the longest one to date. So grab your headphones, a snack, and get ready to experience Dick's the Type II way.

Thanks for listening,



Episode 33

Topic: Dick's Sporting Goods, Colorado, 2011

Recorded: 09/20/2011

Host: Stephen Olker

Cast: Tanya Sperry and Paul McGuire

Run Time: 1:20:18

File Size: 118:48 mb