Secret Junta 2012
Phishtwibe Secret Junta 2012
Directions - Logistics - Rules - And Whatnot
1) Follow @SecretJunta. By following this account, you indicate that you will participate in this amazing holiday gift spectacular.
2) Let @SecretJunta follow you back for ease of DM and announcements, junta questions, etc.
Bow out by the drawing of the Junta by 11/26 if needed by unfollowing
@SecretJunta. At this time, the account will go private to prevent
others from signing up and lock in the participants.
4) Provide your full name and mailing address to @SecretJunta via DM or email (SecretJunta(at)gmail(dot)com).
Your name and handle will be vetted to verify you are in fact a twibe
member and recipient assignments will be DM'd to everyone.
6) Send a holiday gift with a maximum of $15-$20 American dollars to the
person the Great Junta gives you. (If you are not OK with sending to
Canada or Japan, please note it in DM.)
7) Holiday Cheer!
Any questions should be sent to the email address. SecretJunta(at)gmail(dot)com, or directed at @UNOlker or @bathtubjenn.
11-12: Launch Date
11-19: Reminders - Publicity
11-26: Final day to join the Junta / Back out of the Junta.
11-28: Jenn to pick out names out of a hat. Steve will watch via FaceTime for verification purposes.
11-28 – 12/1: Jenn to send Secret Juntas their information privately and the fun will begin.
12-01 > 12-31: Mailing window for your Secret Junta gift, so the recipient gets it in time for YEMSG!
- Do I have to keep to the $20 American limit? Yes. It is only fair. But feel free to make something worth a lot more retail if you are crafty.
- This is a secret right, o I shouldn't put my name on the gift? No, by all means put your name on it. Let them know who sent it.
- I got the same person last year, can I trade? DM the account, if possible we will do a trade for you.
- My Secret Junta and I will both be at the Tweetup, can I bring it to them in person? Sure, may as well save on the shipping costs. Just keep in mind if it will be something that shouldnt be brought into the show.
- I don't know who my Secret Junta is, what kind of gift should I get them? Ask questions to the @secretjunta twitter account and we will help you out.
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!