All the renewals.

It's that time. The time when "hosting" costs are due for the various websites that I facilitate. Between now and 8/31/2013, all the renewals are up for this site,,, and Each site is now entering its third or fourth year of existence and the total cost is finally a little too steep for me to cover on my own. My bill to keep everything afloat has reached (just about) $400. Some generous people have helped with TWoL in the past, but now I'm looking for support with the projects in total.

I'm not looking to make money here, I just want to be able to afford the bottom line costs to keep everything status quo on my end. The most expensive part is obviously podcast related (not even including equipment or monthly bandwidth bills). But, I wanted avoid begging on the air all summer long, so this is my NPR-style pledge drive.

So if you enjoy some or all of these projects, and you want to help, the easiest thing to do is

Click the PayPal button below:

Any size donation is welcome and will be greatly appreciated. I know people want to send blankets or heady beers, but just send us your cash. (But if you hand me a heady beer on lot, I'm not saying I won't drink it.) :) Thanks in advance for your donations and for supporting these projects over the years.

Thanks for listening,


07/04/2013 - UPDATE: Amazing turnout so far. Huge thanks to all the donors. Just $130 to go and the Pledge Drive will end.  

07/08/2013 - UPDATE 2: Only need $40 more dollars needed to hit the goal.  If any money comes in above what I need, it will be donated to Mockingbird. Thanks.   

07/09/2013 - UPDATE 3: WE HIT THE GOAL, YOU GUYS! Thanks to everyone who contributed; it is appreciated. The grand total was exactly $399. These projects will live on and I won't need another pledge drive until next year. Of course, TWoL can always accept donations, nor will I ever refuse dank beers or other such gifts on lot. :)


- Adam G. 

- Joseph G. 

- Jennifer W. 

- Jason V. 

- Rebecca G. 

- Eric L. 

- Dan T. 

- Randall B. 

- Colin H. 

- Robert L. 

- Kevin H. 

- Mark H. 

- Laura S. 

- Patrick M. 

- Brandon H. 

- John S. 

- Charles D. 

- Jason W. 

- Tim R.

 - Christopher C.

* In related pledge drive news, Cash or Trade needs some money to up there game, and MBird can always use some support.  

** Huge thanks to everyone who has guested / hosts / contributes / listens / promotes Type 2 and TWoL, and Andrew and Jim for being the backbone of the phishtwibe website.