YEMSG 2013 Tweetup Recap

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who came out to the annual YEMSG tweetup. I think we can put this one in the "success" column. 

Over the course of the evening, I would estimate just under 100 people attended, many old faces but some new twibers as well. Beer and food were plentiful, and to the best of my knowledge, not one person wooked out on their bill. The raffle went well thanks to a legit pa system, and we even pulled off the first decent indoor group photo. On the flip side, I did forget to print the tweebay responses, so I'll post those below. And the name tag situation was less than perfect, but we can blame that on twtvite. ;-)

Special thanks goes out to Phanart and SetListTees for donating items for the raffle. There was quite the assortment of pins, stickers, and t-shirts that were won. In the end, we were able to donate $90 to mockingbird. Big ups go out to FuryThug for providing us with the space at AOA Bar and Grill.  Mad credit must be given to SnoopKatieKate for going in early to set up and help with hosting duties. Shout out to CabanaGhost for getting me the name tags at the last minute. Finally, thanks to everyone who kicked in a few bucks, it keeps this event economically viable on my end.

Happy new year everyone, and cheers to many more events in the future.

- Steve 



What were your favorite twibe moments of 2013?

Sunday at Dicks, Twibe rage party on mike's side.

The Dicks meet-up was amazing because there were so many of us! Using the flowers to create a Twibe dance space from Bangor to Chicago to Dicks also made me so happy! 

@thisalbumsucks ate macaroni and cheese 

The deadbeat juntas kicked out of this year's edition. 

Roadtrip to Chicago with King Wooks Steve and Katie. Also Hampton. All of it. 

So I had this Dicks webcast party and of course I invited my Twibe friends. I decided to have a taco bar as the main course. Tyler, a twiber and good friend of mine, decided to bring some homemade hot sauce to accompany said taco bar. Fast forward many margaritas later, an idea was hatched! Tyler and I would make hot sauce and attempt to sell it on Phish Fall Tour. I know, just another silly, drunken idea. It would never work...or would it? Well we got the peppers, sourced the bottles, designed some kickass labels, established celebrity relationships (Aron Magner), and went to work. So much love and positive vibes began occurring right away. First in Hampton, then Reading, then in AC at the PhanArt poster show, on Twitter, on Facebook, everywhere we went! We couldn't keep these bottles in stock! Our hot sauce shipped to 9 states. It literally caught fire! 80 bottles of hot sauce later we now see this as more than just a silly idea. It's now a passion project that we truly believe could be life changing. We couldn't have done it without the love from the Twibe. They never stopped believing in us, encouraging us, sharing ideas on how to sell more of it, telling their friends about it, and inspiring us to pursue our star furthur. Thank you tacos. Thank you Tweezer. Thank you Twibe. - Troy & Tyler @TylersHotSauce 

filming the movie at Dicks, all the fun random meetups in NYC hampton and meeting everyone 

I just vote for @meearf. Whatever category he can win, he should. 

a bunch of people IDK followed me with twibe ribbon and a trey face which makes it really easy to identify who you are on lot. 

Rideshares. Hotel rooms. Meetups. Tweetups. SPAC. Hampton. The Grassy Knoll! 

i have had a few awkward dreams involving twibes peeps and nudity. no names tho. (looks around room.. was it me? thinking of.. you?) 

Dicks Tweetup on the Grassy knoll! 

Dick's tweetup was awesome because there are just so darn many of us! Also really fancied using the Flower marker to create a twibe dance space at the GA venues from Bangor to Dicks! 

Dick's grassy knoll 

Meerf for winning twitter. Always. 

@meearf made me LOL, all the @meearf parody accts? NEED WORK 

I nominate @thecuntyjew and @barbiebff for their wonderful Twibe Astro Chart. Nice work by these two beautiful ladies. 

Sunday at Hampton when a bunch of twibe sat together on mike side! Especially during divided when we cheered and held each other lol Also when I started dating my gf whom I met through twibe <3


