TWoL 11: Be Good Phamily
Fall Ter is starting to wrap up and Steve and Laura give their reports from Philly and Albany. Turns out the nitrous tanks were in full effect in Philly...who would have thought? Laura was offered a free lap dance from a wookette and Steve was offered a free h3tty crystal, sounds like the wook community is already in the Christmas spirit. There's always been good people in the "hippie scene". Always been shady folks too. We talk about how the scene is changing both the good and the bad. TWoL also had a bad incident hit close to home when our buddy (Parker) got ripped off (at this point) by a person involved with Phishtube. If you know anyone involved or what my have happened, pleas let us know. (more details in the podacast)
Phish is all about change. Changing every show to make it different, changing the way a song is jammed, changing the set list from night to night, Page changing new shirts. Fans are starting to change too. Tapers have always been the backbone of how most people find out about Phish and are able to listen to so many shows for free. With the digital age we live in the taping seems to be evolving into other forms of free live Phish. People are now streaming shows through their phones and making them available to anyone with an internet connection. We talk about how this is good and potentially bad for the scene and what if anything Phish will do about this.
We're on the verge of the MSG shows and Steve gives some sound advice on what not to bring to the shows. Turns out the advice might fall into the everyday advice category too. We would also like to give a shout out to Chris M the winner of our MSG ticket giveaway. He will be joining us next week with a report of his experiences at the show. Congrats again Chris!
As always we read some of your emails and listen to some voicemails. One fan gives a heads up on who to look out for if you plan on selling lot shirts with a Phish logo, better watch out too looks like it's mighty expensive to own the license to do so.
We've also got a survey for you this week. Let us know your plans for New Years Eve.
[polldaddy poll=2329088]