TWoL 17: The State of the Lot

We've got a short episode for you this week as there's not much going on with "The State of the Lot" these days. Be sure to check out Camp Bisco 9 as well as the Gordo March Tour Run and Les Claypool has a tour and wine announcement. There's also a few shows going on at the Brooklyn Bowl that are worth checking out. We also have a bit of sad news, Laura or "Noob Laura" as so many of you know her as taken an indefinite leave from TWoL. Laura, we wish you the best and the door is always open for ya!  That being said, we now have an opening for someone interested in giving reports, producing the podcast etc. Hit us up either through email or preferably through our voicemail line at 419-NO-WOOKS; leave us message telling us what you could bring to the podcast.

episode 17
