TWoL 20: So I heard…
So I heard... Steve saw the The Disco Biscuits, Tea Leaf Green, and Galactic. He gives a rundown of the scene and the lot for each.
Turns out so I heard there's a lot of rumors flying around about Phish tour for Summer and beyond. There's still talk of a Euro or even Japan tour, and of course there's also the American cities being named. The only one that holds an "announced" possibility right now is Telluride. It's listed here in the Denver Post. They admit they're still working on a deal but it may be possible.
Also apparently if you didn't know The Disco Biscuits are selling themselves out for unspeakable pleasures and mindless activities. See all that they have to offer here. Nothing says I love you like Barber sleeping under your bed.
One more thing; so I heard that UM is having a UMBowl2010 where you can vote for the first acoustic songs to be played in the first quarter. After that it's still up in the air.