TWoL 26: We Ain’t Got Shit > Banter
So just as the episode title states this week we ain't got shit! Not too much going on this week, none of us have made it to the Phish 3D movie yet, but we all have plans to see it the weekend it opens nationwide. From the little bit of activity we did have Emilie went to "Fauxchella" and saw a few bands that played recently at Coachella. She was able to catch Miike Snow, MGMT, and TLG in SF this week. She also made it out to see The Grateful Dead Movie where there was a little bit of a scene. We banter around those bands a few other things that amuse us.
We run through some voicemails from our listeners some are about the Phish 3D experience and some are just about as random as they come. However, we thank everyone who left us a message keep them coming! Since we didn't have shit to talk about this week we also took some suggestions from our twitter followers and discussed random topics.
Stay tuned for next week when we will announce a special giveaway contest we're having. You won't want to miss it!
[caption id="attachment_548" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="All the cool kids are doing it!"][/caption]