TWoL 34: We're taking requests!
Phish is back on tour!!! The first 4 shows have been a blast so far and the boys have been sounding great. Our old friend Noob Laura is back as a guest this week and explains to us the proper way to get someone to stop peeing in the bushes of a VIP area. You'll have to listen to the podcast voicemails to hear all the details. Steve made it to the Hershey as well as nTelos and has been spreading the love about TWoL. If you see him and his wine bar on lot, make sure to stop by and say hi. We're also going to try to have a live setup going this Friday at the Hartford show where we'll be recording live lot reports, so be on the lookout for that as well.
Remember we're running our givaway for free t-shirts and posters courtesy of PhanArt for anyone who leaves us a lot report while they're on tour. Program that number into your phones so you don't forget it, 419-NO-WOOKS (419-669-6657).
Thank you to everyone who left us voicemail this last week, we'll be back this weekend to listen the rest of them. See you on lot!