Special Report - MPP 2010
Hey everyone! Check out our latest show live from the south lot in Merriweather Post Pavilion. Steve and Emilie bring you a recap of the last week on Phish tour, plus special guests. We chat with Jessica, the runner up in our Alpine Valley contest. We talk the business of lot with our buddies Tyler and Thomas. Finally, we sit down with our sponsor for the month, Pete Mason, aka PhanArt. The Summer Tour giveaway continues. Hit us up with your Lot Reports to 419-NO-WOOKS (419-669-6657). Reports can be about anything; the shows, your hotel, a chick you hooked up with in the lawn, drunk dials.... it's all good. 4 winners will be randomly picked and given a poster courtesy of PhanArt.
[audio http://thisweekonlot.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/special-report-mpp-2010.mp3]
Photos by Emilie G.