TWoL 37: Poop and the Scoop
This weeks episode was a whirlwind of good times and technical difficulties. We apologize for the mishaps, our internets were getting wook'd this week. Even though the interwooks tried to take us down we pressed on and managed to finish the episode. Props to the chat room folks who stayed with us through the mayhem! This week is a Phish ticket check, and low and behold tickets for the Greek and Telluride are holding steady at well above face. With the first leg of tour having some major bustouts, no official Fall Tour announcement yet, these being the only shows on or near the West Coast, demand is through the roof! Speaking of the Greek, Nick is holding a Tweetup at the 5 Restaurant inside of Hotel Shattuck in Berkeley, CA. To RSVP and get more details click here.
Remember we still have our photo contest going on courtesy of our sponsor for Phish Summer Tour part II, Check out the pictures below and congratulations to this weeks winner! Don't forgot to bring your camera and send your photo submissions to and each week we will pick a winner and will ship you some uber h3tty glowsticks for free!
As always don't forget to hit us up with your voicemails, we expect to have a full mailbox of lot reports with all the shows going on these next few weeks!
This weeks photo entries. Thanks for all the submissions. Keep them coming.
And the winner is . . .