TWoL 39: "Hell U Ride"
The 2nd leg of Phish tour has started and it's off with a bang! Emilie is absent this week as she was abducted by some wooks and forced to travel to Telluride, we make an attempt to contact her at the show but alas it was not to be. Apparently it was one hell of ride to get from the Greek to Telluride, she'll be back next week to fill us in on experience. Nick just got back from 3 nights at the Greek theater and runs through the "lot" scene or lack there of, as well as a talk about the beauty of the venue both in location and the sound. There was plenty of wooks around, I mean it's Berkeley, CA but for the most part he managed to ignore the spunions and have a pretty good time. Take a listen to the podcast to get the whole story.
We also run a ticket check to see what Deer Creek, Alpine Valley, and Jones Beach tickets are running, not surprisingly seems like they hovering around face for lawns and slightly above for pavilions. If anybody has an extra Tuesday they are looking to unload Steve is still on the hunt.
This week we had our friend Spike on and he runs through a lot report for the Big Up Festival held in Ghent, NY. This festival combined different types of music and art, from the untz to jambands. All in all it sounds like a good time, you'll have to take a listen to the podcast to hear full details.
As always we run through your voicemails to hear what's going on in your lot. Thank you everyone who left a message, keep them coming!
Last but not least we run through the photos for our contest to win free glow sticks, from This week's winner is Noob Laura for her picture of spunions wearing glowsticks and staring at flames. Keep your photo submissions coming and remember to put GSW in the subject line of your email so we don't miss it. Once again that email address is hit us up!
See you next week on lot!
Photo Submissions.....
and the winner is. . .