TWoL 40: It's Raining Men!

After missing last week, we had to make it up this week with an extra long episode for you with a packed house on the podcast. Our friends Andrew and Mike from join us as well as our friend Eric from the now infamous SKYGATE2010 scandal. Emilie is back from Telluride and Steve made it out of Jones Beach unscathed, even though it was raining men...I mean wooks. But in all seriousness we here at TWoL are glad the fan was ultimately not seriously injured, although we don't encourage or condone this type of behavior.

So the big news is that Phish Fall Tour was finally announced today! Some rumors were true and as usual some were totally bunk. Our friend Scotty from YEMblog has a great rundown of the venues slated for this Fall as well as the capacities that each can hold. It looks like this tour Phish is keeping it short, small, and sweet with no venue holding more than 14,000 a night.  Although the tickets are $10 more this year, we discuss the possible reasons for the higher rates and how this could affect lot economics. Are the days of 2 for 5 over? Say it ain't so.

Furthermore, for the second year in a row fans will be treated to a Halloween show, will there be a cover this time and what album will they cover? You'll have to listen to the podcast to hear our predictions. You can see all the dates and ticket info here.

This was the last week for picture contest entries, congratulations to our friend and long time listener Tyler for his winning photo he took. We would also like to give a big thank you again to Andrew and Mike for being the TWoL sponsor for second leg of Phish Summer Tour! You can see Tyler's winning entry below.

Last but certainly never least we run through your voicemails. Thank you to everyone who submitted a lot report we received a TON of reports from fans the past 2 weeks, keep them coming! We would like to give a special shout out to Jessica F. the winner of our CID Entertainment travel package to Alpine Valley. She left one of the most thorough lot reports we've ever received and it sounds like CID Entertainment took care of business and she had a blast!

Don't forget to keep the lot reports coming and we'll see you next week on lot!




And this weeks GSW photo contest winner is . . .