TWoL 47: Stuff White People Like
Listen to Episode 47 [audio] We've got a very special episode of TWoL for you! Our guest this week is Caroline McCarthy from CNET. She comes to us to "defend" her comments on the 404 podcast episode where OkCupid reveals what white people like or at least they post on their dating page they like. Turns out what white guys over 30 like is Phish. It could be because many of them missed out on chasing girls in their 20's because they were too busy chasing Phish around the country. You be the judge!
In a classic Bros vs. Brahs showdown we also discuss the difference in the female presence between a DMB show and a Phish show. Honestly way more females are at DMB shows then a Phish show, I don't think it's really an argument there. The point of discussion may be more around why? Leave us a voicemail and let us know your opinion on why such diversity between females at a DMB and females at Phish. 419-NO-WOOKS is the number to call!
Technology has brought the world together and information at your finger tips. People are more active and connected then ever, point in case Facebook and twitter. With the availability and connections you can create so easily, practical uses are exploding. If you're an iPhone user there are now two Phish apps available, Live Phish and iTour.phish. If you're an Android user there is only one Phish related app at this time, you can find it here.
Don't forget there's still time to sign up for the Atlantic City, NJ Phish tweetup. You don't have to be on twitter to RSVP, come join us! You can RSVP at this link.
Last but not least we run through some voicemails. This week is a little interesting, we received all different kinds of voicemails. One of which appears to have been someones one phone call from jail. Thanks for providing a lot update even though you were locked up! For more details you'll have to listen to the podcast. Don’t forget everyone that leaves us a voicemail during this Fall Tour will be eligible to win a Touropoly set from this month’s sponsor
Thank you everyone for the support, and we'll see you next week on lot!