TWoL 67: The Notorious PBR

Listen to Episode 67 [audio]

Is the highly anticipated 9th Phish festival about to be announced? Hell we don't know, there' s been so much speculation at this point anything is possible. Speaking of anything being possible, the name of the Watkins Glen festival is rumored to be SuperBall 9. Online Phish Tour broke the news after some serious internet sleuthing about who owns the web domain. Read all the details here.

The schedule for the Rock and Roll Resort Festival has been released! Each night has a party theme and suggestion of what to wear. Make sure if you haven't yet to get your tickets for this exclusive party!

We run through most of the voicemails we received but had to leave out a few. Thank you to everyone who left us a lot report! If we missed yours we'll get to it next week! Don't forget to program us in your phone 419-NO-WOOKS is the number!

Ever brought a parent to a jamband show? And said parent wasn't exactly a fan? Or even remotely into the scene? Leave us a  comment on the blog and tell us about it. Steve will be taking his mom to PNC for Phish and wants to know about your experiences.

Thanks again for the support everyone, we'll see you next week on lot!