Special Report: Bethel Woods, 2011

Listen to Special Report: Bethel Woods [audio http://thisweekonlot.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/sr_bethel.mp3]

Stephen T, Noob Laura and myself hit up all 3 nights of Phish at Bethel Woods. We had hoped to set up on lot, but unfortunately couldn't pull it off this time. So we did the next best thing, and sat down at the hotel on Sunday to discuss our thoughts up through the first 2 nights. We are happy to report that the whole experience was an overall success. Not much drama was seen, locals were welcoming, and the weather was on our side. Without a doubt, we hope to see Phish return here, and that it stays a 3 night run stop.

Don't forget to send us in your stories, whether it be about the lot, your campsite, or the locals selling BBQ on the side of the road. Hit us up on the usual number, 419-NO-WOOKS. (419-669-6657)

Thanks for listening, we will see you at Holmdel.

- Steve

Recorded May 29, 2011

Run Time: 16:08

File Size: 23.2mb

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