Special Report: Jam Cruise 10

Listen to Special Report - Jamcruise 10

[audio http://thisweekonlot.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/specialreport_jamcruise10.mp3]

Well, TWoL is back on land and we are happy to report that a great time was had by all. I was fortunate enough to sit down with Scott Bernstein from Hidden Track and Neil "The Joker" FonteYes from Coventry Music Blog in my balcony cabin on the final day of the cruise. The three of us covered a little slice of everything: from the pre-shows in Fort Lauderdale, to the layout of the stages, to the ports of call, and of course the musical highlights. We all had been on the boat before, and as is popular opinion, agreed this was the "best year yet." No surprise, we ultimately recommend that everyone goes at least once. However, that doesn't mean this episode is all fluff. There is always room for some improvement, and we end the episode with advice for newbies and what we would like to see different in the coming years.

Were you on Jam Cruise also? Leave us your thoughts below or send us a voicemail at 419-669-6657 to be played on the next episode. Please enjoy the gallery of some pics that I took below, and be sure to check the last post for some other thoughts and more photos.

Thanks for listening,


[caption id="attachment_2004" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="The Joker, Scotty, Steve"][/caption]

(Recommended that you click on the first pic and scroll through each full size photo)

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