Episode 109: You Suck at Tucking! (Podcast)
twol109 [audio http://thisweekonlot.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/twol109.mp3]
Hey everyone, TWoL is back and we have a lot of ground to cover for this episode. We last checked in at the First Tube Poster Show, which was a lot of fun. Since then, we hit up nTelos and had a correspondent for the Ohio >PA >Ohio run. Big ups to our buddy Carini for covering that weekend for us. TWoL proper will be back for Jones Beach, but in the meantime we will have you covered for Deer Creek and Alpine Valley. Our buddys Ali and Erica will be taking the controls, so be sure to keep us locked on your twitter. We have some good voicemails this week. Be sure to hit us up at 419-NO-WOOKS to keep us up to date on your travels. Finally, we run through some of TWoLs destinations in the near future. Give this episode a listen and get the full scoop.
Take care everyone. And remember: Lushington signs at Jones Beach 7/4 will be appreciated.
- Steve
[caption id="attachment_2257" align="alignnone" width="500"] via @thatssopage[/caption]