TWoL 111: Where in the world is Toonces?
Listen to Episode 111 [audio]
It's been a few weeks but I'm back on TWoL again! Nick here, I took a little bit of a hiatus as I was traveling a lot for work and then went on vacation but I'm happy to be back!
This week Steve, Toonces, and I discuss all things festival and Phish. As the title eludes too, Toonces has been a traveling man too but alas he was going to see music and parties while I was going to see conference rooms and all inclusive resorts.
Toonces made his 7th year in a row at Gathering of the Vibes! This marks his 6th year in a row working ticketing and while the crowd seemed down slightly the process to get in went much smoother than last year. With the exception of some rain on Friday the weather was nice, cars were easily flowing in and people seemed pretty relaxed. Rosanne Bar took the opportunity to turn the festival into her place to announce she's running for President, if wooks know how to vote you can bet she just earned a few votes. Toonces also had the opportunity to meet a rare breed of "mama bird" wookette, listen to the podcast for details on that.
The very next weekend Toonces was off to Floyd Fest for his second year in a row! This festival is super super green, to the point that they don't even sell beers in plastic cups and you have to use reusable "canteen" style cups. This festival was complete with fire breathing dragon car, and wooks trying to sling h3tty crystals to little kids.
Steve is heading to a festival soon as well called Catskill Chill in NY. If you're in the area TWoL recommends you check it out, details can be found at The lineup looks pretty good with YMSB headlining and some other mixes of genres.
Phish tour leg 2 is about a week away from kicking off! I'm heading on "California Tour" to hit up the Long Beach show and the first 2 nights at Bill Graham in San Francisco. I'm hosting a "tweetup" at Whiskey Thieves to RSVP or for details on the event, sign up here. These tickets are tough to get so if you weren't lucky enough to score some you can hit up couch tour. has announced a webcast for all three nights. You can watch a individual night for $15 a show or get all 3 for $39, there's even a package where you can buy the tour tee. On a related note we saw some folks arguing on twitter, etc. about the webcast and whether it's a good or bad thing because of the supposed "curse" when a webcast occurs. Feel free to leave us a voicemail with your opinion, 419-NO-WOOKS is the number to dial.
Speaking of voicemails, thanks to those who left one, we appreciate you taking the time! Thank you to everyone for your support, we'll see you on lot!