Type II Episode 4: A New Hope
Listen to Episode 4 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/typeii_episode4.mp3]
We're wrapping up an amazing conclusion to Phish Fall Tour 2010 this week. Scotty, Drew, Eric and Steve discuss the shows from the past week in both Manchester NH and Atlantic City NJ. Obviously one of the main highlights was Phish's traditional Halloween costume on the 31st. In a bit of a surprise selection, the quartet absolutely slayed their rendition of Little Feat's classic live album Waiting for Columbus. We discuss our highlights from not only from this year's album, but how it stacks up against years past.
As if we had anymore time we spent a lot of time discussing how much "FUN" Phish shows have become and why this is a sign of great things to come. Finally, we wrap up with our thoughts on the tour as a whole and our personal highlights, in which Eric finds himself on a little island we like to call "Denial" when it comes down to choosing the best show of the tour.
We hope you like it, leave us a comment or send us an email at typeIIcast@gmail.com and let us know what you think. We've got no plans for our next episode, so help us out with some of your ideas.