Episode 21: Pre-Tour Stretch

Listen to Episode 21 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/episode21.mp3]

It's almost tour and we've said enough about the last two years! So in this episode Steve and Eric dust off some of the surprise gigs and practice sessions in Phish history to check out some early and eventful renditions of songs common today. We also take a look ahead with thoughts on the upcoming summer tour and if and when we will begin to see some of our own new material.

Thanks for listening. Please join us next time for Summer Tour Updates.



  1. 1992-01-14 - NICU
  2. 1995-05-14 - Glide II
  3. 1996-06-06 - Scent Of A Mule
  4. 1997-06-06 -  Ghost
  5. Bearsville Sessions - What's The Use?
  6. 2000-05-18 - Bug


Cast: Stephen Olker & Eric Wyman

Runtime: 20:23

File Size: 57.7 mb

Recorded: 5/25/11