TWoL 1: ‘Cause This Is Your Podcast, too!’
This week, Nick and Steve are joined by the Resident Noob, Laura. Starting off the show, we address the age old debate: is it ON lot or IN lot? Hell, it could even be AT lot or UNDER lot...right? The general consensus is that ON lot is the proper terminology. Thoughts? Once we have that settled, it's time to discuss the real news. PHISH! It was only a matter of time before Joy was leaked onto the interwebs and it dropped today. Steve, Nick, and Noob Laura discuss the ethics of pirating music, especially from our beloved boys from VT.
Next up, we're looking ahead to New Years Eve. What's a jam band fan to do when there are 5 nights of Bisco in Times Square or (presumably) 3 nights of Phish in sunny Miami. Are Umphrey's or moe. playing? What's a fan to do?
Moving on to our voicemails, we learn a valuable lesson about going to a second location with a wook. The Joker from Coventry Music Blog is also kind enough to educate us about "The Triple Play", something which all three of us are more than happy to claim noob status on.
Wrapping it up with The Noob Corner, bringing back the discussion...When is a noob not a noob? Why is there so much to say about noobiness?
Hope you enjoy our first episode. Let us know what you think and we'll see you on lot next week.