TWoL 2: Stealing Time from the Faulty MySpace

Is MySpace the wook of the internet? You be the judge. There’s some good points…and some bad points. In this episode we discuss the stream of Phish’s new album Joy released on MySpace before you can buy it. We talk around all aspects of this with our guest host Neil “The Joker” from CoventryMusic blog. We also discuss the NPR radio interview of Trey and Page, specifically their comments on how they realize the hardcore fan base doesn’t fully support the albums. They (Trey & Page) also make comments about how you have to see Phish live to really “get” their music.

Next up we discuss the “Guilty Pleasures” NCAA bracket style music show run by Entertainment Weekly.  Phish is currently up against Mariah Carey, it should be noted that PT (Phantasy Tour) is largely responsible for their first victory taking out a #1 seed Nickelback.

We encourage and love feedback so of course we listen to and respond to the messages we received. There’s a visit from Stephen Hawking, the broseph discussing wook hate, the Joy leak, and a guy just looking for a ride to the next show.

Here are the you tube videos we mentioned.

Come join us next week as we leave the open question to you the listener. What’s your favorite lot? Tell us the what/where/why of your favorite lot and we’ll discuss next week. Also our friend Tij will be the guest host next week so look forward to a fresh face.

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One more thing, we’re going to start randomly putting out WookWednesday podcasts, just little tidbits of how a wook/wookette can ultimately ruin a random day.

Thank you for listening.


episode 2