TWoL 2.5: Wook Wednesday – It’s so lazy, it actually showed up on Thursday.
Welcome to Wook Wednesday kids. Just like noob corner, we got a mini-episode here to hold you over till Sunday.
First up, in honor of the number 9, 9 everyday wookings you need to look out for. These are some serious wookings we urge you all to steer clear of.
Next up, we discuss an all to current phenomenon on lot, "when phans go wook". This unfortunate situation occurs when a normal, good nature phan gets to schwilly and ends up "wooking out". We have a jaw-dropper of a story for you that took place at SPAC lot in august. Think you have a better story? Leave us a voice mail or an email describing a time you or a friend went wook. We are going to pick a winner in 2 weeks and send them a prize. For reals, an actual prize.(contest not applicable to actually wooks)
Enjoy the rest of your week kids, see you on Sunday.