TWoL 4.5: The Fest-8-Up-Date
Welcome back brahs and sis-brahs! We're coming at you this Wook Wednesday with a mini-episode. We're only a month away from Fest 8 and our hosts Nick and Steve are having mixed feelings about the proposed album list. Joined by Noob Laura, the guys discuss their personal opinions about the album choices...and damn it, another flash site?! Check out the list of possible Fest 8 musical costumes here.
Today is also a very special day for a very special red head. Happy birthday, Mr. Anastasio! Nick and Steve also reminisce about the announcement of the first hiatus and what that meant to them. As Noob Laura was only 15 at the time (and presumably at swim practice or something), she has no opinion on the matter. NOOB!
As always, we're thankful for the voicemails we recieve...even when they're calling us out on questionable beer choices. DiscoSis1 gives the boys a stern lecture on proper beer selection and how they're doing it wrong.
It's a short and sweet Wook Wednesday for you! Enjoy!