TWoL 5: Glitter and Fairy Wings
Hey all, we're back after a bit of a hiatus. Nick had to go off and get married and Steve was sans internet for a while. It's all good now as Steve is joined on the podcast by two ladies. Laura is back and she brought our good friend Joanne. With all these sis-brahs on this show, we had to talk about typical female personalities on lot. We've got the heady mamas, we've got the flat brim girls, we've got 'em all. Laura and Joanne weigh in on why wings should be banned from shows and why the greatest lot food ever sold was found in Hartford. There was a ton of news to cover tonight: Umphreys McGee is getting all innovative on us, moe. isn't touring for a while, the Biscuits are serving up some fried chicken and twitter hijinks, and Phish...we'll, they're still messing with us via their website.
Enjoy the episode tonight! Nick will be back next week to fill us in on how he kept his wedding wook-free. (Hint: it involved candles made of unicorn blood.)