Episode 16: Great Woods, Or Mediocre Woods?
Listen to Episode 16 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/ep16secondedit.mp3]
This week, Eric, Drew and myself tackle a "venue review", and discuss the 14 shows that occurred since 1992 at a little place us phans like to call Great Woods, despite that it has changed names a few times. (We don't bother to look as to what it is actually called these days, insert jaded vet remark). What we did look for, were tasty clips as to highlight some of the better moments throughout the years. As Drew notes at one point, we could have spent "too much time" in 93-95, so instead, we opted to spread the clip love out amongst the years. Plenty of great moments in 99, 00, and we even found 1 in 04. But in all seriousness, we feel that the boys have strategically placed Great Woods in the tour depending upon their needs. It was once a 2 night weekend stand, needed to ensure ticket sales were good. Now its a Tuesday night with no shows before or after, since they know sales will do well. In the end, we find there were many great moments at this Massachusetts traffic debacle, and we hope there are many more.
Thanks for listening, we will see you guys next week with a review of August 1993.
- Steve
94/07/08 :Stash
94/07/09: Split Open and Melt
99/07/13: Halley's Comet > Roses are Free
00/09/11: Piper > What's the Use
04/08/11: Antelope > 2001
09/06/06: Julius
10/06/22: Dr. Gabel
Cast: Stephen Olker, Eric Wyman, Drew Hitz
Runtime: 109:35
File Size: 92.7 MB
Recorded: 3/15/11