Episode 17: Expect the Unexpected, August 93
Listen to Episode 17 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/episode17.mp3]
In Episode 17, Eric, Scotty, Steve and I explore the explosively creative month of music that was performed in August, 1993. To help bring this unique tour to life, we welcomed Brian Feller from phish.net to share his insights and experiences. Brian hopped on this tour on from 8/6-8/14 and then flew out to Berkeley for the closer on 8/28. This episode features 9 clips from 7 shows that showcase different facets of the band’s creativity: from unrestrained, powerful jamming, emotionally-charged singing and improvised vocal melodies to beautifully executed composed pieces, Phish achieved a state of simultaneous looseness and tightness that stands the test of time.
Thanks for listening. Please join us for Episode 18 on 4/5.
- Reba 8/16
- Run Like An Antelope 8/7
- Ginseng Sullivan 8/11
- Runaway Jim 8/11
- Mike’s Song 8/13 (beginning)
- Mike’s Song 8/13 (end)
- Squirming Coil 8/14
- Landlady 8/21
- YEM 8/25
Host: Stephen Olker
Cast: Scott Bernstein, Eric Wyman, Tanya Sperry
Guest: Brian Feller
Runtime: 107:50
File Size: 92.3 MB
Recorded: 3/22/11