Forgotten Friday #1 - August 1993

After every episode we undoubtedly have listeners that come up with great "suggestions" of the items we might have missed. Couple that with our own regrets where time restraints kept us from playing everything we would have liked and we've got a whole additional show ready. So here's six tracks we missed this week covering August 1993, compiled in a zip for you to download.

Follow this link for the goods:

01. Halley's comet 08/06/93

02. Slave To The Traffic Light 08/06/93

03. Fast Enough For You 08/17/93

04. Stash 08/20/93

05. David Bowie 08/17/93

06. You Enjoy Myself 08/03/93

All of these examples come from the spreadsheet so if you hear something you like, seek out the whole show.

Thanks for all the support over the last couple weeks. We appreciate your enthusiasm and support.