Episode 28: SuperBall IX
Listen to Episode 28 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/episode28.mp3]
For our SuperBall IX review, Scotty, Steve and I present our top ten favorite moments of the 9th Phish festival that took place over fourth of July weekend at Watkins Glen. To come up with our top ten, the three of us each submitted a personal top ten. It turned out that eight songs/jams overlapped and were easily chosen, and the nine and ten slots were filled by Steve and I, respectively. To share our favorite moments, we have ((eight)) audio clips, first-hand accounts by Scotty and Steve who attended, and my perspective as a devoted fan whose holiday weekend revolved around the crisp audio stream that delivered every set via internet radio. Thanks for listening, and, as always, please share your comments here. Tanya
Cast: Scott Bernstein, Stephen Olker, Tanya Sperry
Recorded: 7/27/11
Run Time: 109:35
File size: 107.7mb
* Apologies for some missing fades on clips.