Episode 29: The Lost Episodes, Leg 1 2011
Listen to Episode 29 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/episode29.mp3]
While everyone was waiting for the first night of Phish's 2-night webcast from Lake Tahoe, the Type II crew got together to recover some missing territory. It's been a busy summer and somehow we never got the chance to discuss the last five shows of Leg 1. The sticklers for detail that we are we thought it would be unjust to not at least cover our thoughts and favorite clips from Alpharetta, Charlotte, Raleigh and Portsmouth. Over the hour leading up to Tahoe we discussed our thoughts on webcasts, fan expectations and most of all some amazing musical moments. Here's to a great tour and we'll be back to cover the newest shows real soon.
- Eric
Cast: Stephen Olker, Drew Hitz, Justin Wendt, and Eric Wyman
Run Time: 105:31
File size: 99.9mb