Episode 30: Good Lord, Was it Alright.
Listen to Episode 30 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/episode30.mp3]
By the time you are reading this, Phish will have completed Leg 2 of their 2011 Summer Tour, but here at type II cast, we are just starting the reviews. This week, Scotty, Drew, and Eric tackle the first 3 shows, both Gorge and the Hollywood Bowl. As usual, we selected a few clips to highlight what makes these shows stand out. And we tried not to let future events effect our opinions, though Drew does step into the future machine once.
This post is gonna be another "No Spoilers" episode, as knowing the clips ahead of time could bias some of you out there. Feel free to voice your opinion below, we all check the blog from time to time.
Thanks to all the loyal listeners out there, stay tuned as next week we discuss Tahoe and Outside Lands.
- Steve
Recorded on 8/23/2011
Host: Stephen Olker
Cast: Scott Bernstein, Drew Hitz, and Eric Wyman
Run Time: 58:05
File Size: 76.4 mbs