Episode 39: MSG 2011
Listen to Episode 39 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/episode39.mp3]
Hello and Happy New Year! Type II is back this week with a fresh episode and it should be no surprise that we are reviewing the MSG New Year's Eve run. After just a few days to gather our thoughts, Scotty and I sat down with guests Charlie Dirksen and Dave Calarco for almost two hours last night. With lots to talk about, we debate the best and the worst of what has become some of the most anticipated shows each year. Of course, we offer up some of the tastiest clips to supplement our discussion. And whether you are a "jaded vet" or just saw your first shows, we are sure you will enjoy this blast from the hose.
Thanks for listening,
[caption id="attachment_492" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="NYE - Stephen Olker 2012"][/caption]
Episode 39
Topic: Phish New Year's Eve Run 2011
Recorded: 01/04/2012
Host: Stephen Olker
Panel: Scott Bernstein
Guests: Charlie Dirksen and Dave Calarco
Run Time: 1:31:42
File Size: 165.6 mb