Episode 40: Tension and Release
Listen to Episode 40 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/episode-40.mp3]
Joining me on the show this week we have regular host Drew Hitz and new guest Chris Glushko. The three of us discuss the band's use of tension and release in their sound, jamming, and crowd interaction. If you aren't familiar with the term check the wiki page for a simple explanation (for a more technical blurb, peep this Trey article). Of course, we found ways to illustrate this musical concept and broke a few rules in the process. There are tasty clips peppered throughout the hour and some aren't even Phish tunes. We recorded on a Sunday, which is probably not kosher for some reason. And lastly, skype went the whole time without needing to be reset. I can't say if any of these correlate to it being a good episode, but I'm confident it won't be time wasted.
Thanks for listening,
PS: The next episode is going to be "Listener's Choice." What does that mean? It means that you get to participate. The offer is open for three listeners of type II cast to guest host and each choose three clips that you would like to share. They should be something that (hopefully) not many people have heard, or at least clips we haven't already played on the show. It would help if you were there at the time, but not a requirement. And, most importantly, you should want to discuss why you love these clips/songs/shows/etc. To be one of the guests, here's what you need to do:
1) Follow @typeIIcast on twitter and tweet something like "I want to be a guest on @typeIIcast for the #listenerschoice episode." (as long as you @reply us and use the hashtag, then you are good)
2) Follow this blog in wordpress and leave a comment below indicating that you want to be a guest.
I will randomly select (scout's honor) the three people. You will need to have a computer/phone/iPad that has an internet connection, microphone/speakers/headset, and Skype. The episode will record 2/28/2012 at 8pm eastern. So make sure you will be available at that time (the show runs for about an hour and a half). Don't worry about the clips, I take care of all that. You just need to tell me the who/ what/when/where/etc. Entries are open till 2/20/2012 at noon. I will randomly select the guests at that time and contact them via twitter or the email provided on the blog. Feel free free to ask any questions and good luck!
Disclaimer: Employees, their families, and subsidiaries of TWoL/TypeIICast are not eligible to enter. Offer void where prohibited by law.