Episode 42: 2.0 Intervention (or something)

Listen to Episode 42 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/episode42.mp3]

This week on the podcast I am joined by Charlie Dirksen and Chris Glushko. Their goal: to convince me that I shouldn't "hate" on Phish 2.0. They picked 10 clips, over 40 minutes in total. Of course it was hard to argue against these type II nuggets. In retrospect, I should have enlisted someone to help support my cause. But it's all good, as no one loses when you listen to more Phish.

Thanks for tuning in. We will see you guys soon.



Episode 42

Topic: 2.0 Intervention (or something)

Recorded: 02/13/2012

Host: Stephen Olker

Guests: Charlie Dirksen and Chris Glushko

Run Time: 1:38:50

File Size: 161 mb