Spring Update
Hello Everyone, I wanted to take this opportunity to catch all the listeners of typeIIcast up to speed with what is happening here on the program. First, I would like to thank everyone who tunes in each week to listen to our little show. It is truly appreciated and why we all show up. Second, I wanted to recognize the hard work of everyone who has contributed, hosts and guests a like. I am proud of the collection of clips, thoughts and other random phish nerdiness that has been curated here over the last one and half years.
Moving into the next round of episodes, I would like to announce that Chris Glushko will be joining us full time. Chris guested on the Tension and Release episode, and most recently the 2.0 intervention. On each, his commentary and choice of clips were a welcome addition. I have no doubt that this trend will continue in the future.
Below is the list of topics and producers for the next few weeks. As usual, I will continue to update this list as more information is known. The easiest way for you not to miss anything would be to subscribe in iTunes or through some other RSS reader. Lastly, once we hit summer tour, we will bring you review episodes for each 2 or 3 day run as quickly as possible.
Thanks for listening,
43 - 4/17 - Chris - The Philly Factor
44 - 5/1 - Scotty - The Case for 99
45 - 5/15 - Eric - 3.0 Roundtable
46 - 5/30 - Drew - TBD
* Stay tuned for guest information.