Episode 43: The Philly Phactor
Listen to Episode 43 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/episode43.mp3]
Cheesesteaks. The Liberty Bell. Cream Cheese. Epic Phish Shows. These are the topics of this weeks show. Chris and I are joined by dot.netter Steve Paolini to discuss and analyze why Phish always seems to throw down in Philly (and sometimes Camden). This topic came to mind when Chris noticed that Philly was absent from this summer's festivities. And keeping in theme, all 3 of us got schwilly for the episode.
Thanks for listening,
Episode 43
Topic: The Phactor
Date: 4/24/12
Host: Stephen Olker
Panel: Chris Glushko
Guest: Steve Paolini
Runtime: 1:15:45
File Size: 129