Episode 47: DCU > ROO (2012)
Listen to Episode 47 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/episode47.mp3]
It's that time of the year again. When we here at type 2 cast bring you current reviews of each show from the current Phish tour. This episode marks the beginning of the reviews for summer 2012. First at bat: Eric Wyman, Dave Calarco, and myself. All 3 of us hit the DCU center for both nights, and then locked into the Bonnaroo webcast. And for this episode, as you would expect, we found the best clips and offer anecdotes, insight and more to provide a complete review for these 3 shows. And this will be the formula for the rest of the summer. Subscribe in iTunes so you don't miss anything, and be sure to spread some type 2 love around.
Thanks for listening,
Episode 47
Topic: DCU > ROO
Date: 06/12/12
Host: Stephen Olker
Panel: Eric Wyman & Dave Calarco
Runtime: 1:33:13
File Size: 149 mb