Episode 48: Bader Field (2012)

Listen to Episode 48 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/episode48.mp3]

This week on the show, Scotty, Tao Pauly and I review the 3 night "festival" run from Atlantic City, NJ a few days ago. We all were in attendance and couldn't have been happier with the grounds, crowd and all around quality playing. Those in attendance were treated to some type 2 jams, stage banter and segues a plenty, adding up to a well rounded 6 sets. We had lots to choose from and present you with 10 clips, the exact details of which will be released at a later date. In the meantime, load us up onto your music device and take a trip with us to Bader Field.

Thanks for listening,



Episode 48

Topic: Bader Field

Date: 06/20/12

Host: Stephen Olker

Panel: Scott Bernstein and Tao Pauly

Runtime: 1:06:16

File Size: 104.1mb