Episode 49: nTelos (2012)
Listen to Episode 49 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/episode49.mp3]
This week on the podcast I am joined by Drew and Stephen T. from TWoL. Both were in attendance at the 2 nTelos shows, and I did #couchtour proper. We love this venue, and we love the antics and jams that Phish threw down over this 2 day, midweek run after Bader Field. I had wanted to keep this on the shorter side, but with 6 clips and an outro, will clocked in at just over an hour. As will happen from time to time, we go beyond the show reviews and drop some info and lulz that you don't want to miss out on.
We will be back in just a few days with our review of Cincinnati > Burgettstown > Cuyahoga. Thanks for listening.
- Steve
Thanks for listening,
PS: Apologies for Drew's audio which has issues at time. He was on an AT&T iPad in the middle of the woods.
Episode 49
Topic: nTellos, Portsmouth VA 6/19 -6/20 2012
Date: 06/23/12
Host: Stephen Olker
Panel: Drew Hitz and Stephen Tuzeneu
Runtime: 1:08:12
File Size: 101.1mb