Episode 52: Jones Beach (2012)
Listen to Episode 52 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/episode52.mp3]
Well guys, I know it's only been a few days since the last episode and most of you haven't even heard that yet, but we just couldn't wait to keep talking about this Summer Tour 2012. So tonight I am joined by panelist Scotty B. and past guest / phish.neter Adam Scheinberg and we "wax poetic" about this 2-day run on Long Island over the July 4th holiday. Scotty and I were in attendance, while Adam held down the official couch tour. All three of us enjoyed the ultimate bust-out factor, loved the variety in each of the first sets and thought there were type 2 jams to hold up with the best. While this won't go down as the best two day run in Phishtory, it should certainly have some replay factor for years to come.
Thanks for listening,
Episode 52
Topic: Jones Beach 2012
Date: 07/17/12
Host: Stephen Olker
Panel: Scott Bernstein
Guest: Adam Scheinberg
Runtime: 1:22.11
File Size: 140.1mb