Episode 53: SPAC (2012)
Listen to Episode 53 [audio http://typeiicast.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/episode531.mp3]
We find ourselves at the last stop on Summer 2012's Leg 1. We had 3 nights nestled ever so gently into a state park at Saratoga Springs. We had a few bustouts, the type 2 jams, and creative setlists. Overall, we definitely had 3 great nights of music. So it should be no surprise that I was excited to review this run with fellow panelist Chris Glushko and guest Josh Korin. We technically chose 13 clips in all, which may just be the most ever, though we doubt anyone will mind. If you do, please leave a comment on the blog. In fact, send us all your hate mailz, we dare you.
Thanks for listening. We will see you on leg 2.
- Steve
Episode 53
Topic: Spac 2012
Date: 07/23/12
Host: Stephen Olker
Panel: Chris Glushko
Guest: Josh Korin
Runtime: 1:47:52
File Size: 175.1mb